Corporate supporters

Thank you to all the organisations and companies who kindly support our vital work protecting natural habitats around the world.

If your business would like to become a Rainforest Concern Corporate Supporter, please email or phone +44 (0) 1225 481151 for details.

We would be delighted to hear from you.

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Beyond ONE is a digital services provider and TMT-sector (technology, media, telecommunications) investment and operations company. They are supporting the expansion of the Neblina cloud forest Reserve in northwest Ecuador.

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NatureSpy have been supporting Rainforest Concern for many years. As wildlife technology experts, they have kindly provided us with funding and camera traps for our Neblina, Los Cedros and Nasampulli projects to enable us to monitor the extraordinary wildlife found within.

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Grant Associates is an international landscape architecture practice, helping reconnect people with nature in insightful, delightful and distinctive ways.

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LEX Reception is a legal answering service which has been supporting our conservation work in Ecuador.

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Solarsense, which supplies UK homes and businesses with renewable energy solutions, regularly donates towards our conservation projects.

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Rainforest Foods which sells superfoods, donates funds towards the Neblina Reserve, in the Tropical Andes.


Ancient + Brave produces organic, botanical blends and supplements. They support the vital work of our forest guards and other projects around our Neblina Reserve.

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Ricoh Imaging Europe is a leading supplier of imaging equipment, and has donated specialist cameras to our forest guards in Ecuador.

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Plantasia Tropical Zoo is an indoor rainforest zoo, in Swansea, Wales, which donates annually.

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Interaction have been designing and building award winning office spaces for over 30 years and donate towards our conservation projects.

Option Energy Solutions logo

Option Energy Solutions, which provides renewable energy services in the Brighton area, makes annual donations towards our work.

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Sustainable fashion brand, ARMEDANGELS has supported Rainforest Concern's projects in Ecuador.

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Renewal Associates is a leading international business consultancy firm and has made donations towards the expansion of our Neblina Forest Reserve.


BodyMe supports our work by donating to our sponsor an acre programme.

Aqua firma

Aqua Firma have been supporting us for over a decade.


Prospero World have supported Rainforest Concern for over 10 years, in particular with the expansion of the Neblina Reserve in Ecuador.

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Purdy Smith is a commercial law firm for leading brands and other businesses which gives regular annual donations.

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Arbor Vitae supports the planting and preservation of woodlands and donates towards our conservation projects in the Tropical Andes.

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Ortoo delivers AI business solutions and donate yearly.

Underdog Spiced Rum logo

Underdog Rum donates 10% of their profits to rainforest conservation.

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Lanson Moore is a Yorkshire based abstract artist who creates large original abstract art inspired by nature and donates 10% of her sales to Rainforest Concern.

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Chippenham Borough Lands has twinned an acre of its land with a donation towards the purchase and protection of rare cloud forest at our Neblina Cloud Forest Reserve in Ecuador.
